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The Little Mermaid

Once upon a time ... At the bottom of most blue of the oceans, a wonderful palace in which dwelt the King of the Sea, an old and wise newt that had an abundant white beard. He lived in this splendid mansion multicolored coral and shells precious, along with their daughters, five beautiful sirens.
Little Mermaid, the youngest, in addition to being the most beautiful, had a wonderful voice, when he sang with the accompanying harp, the fish came from everywhere to listen, the shells are opened, showing their pearls, and the jellyfish to hear it stopped float. The little mermaid was almost always singing, and each time it was lifted before looking for the weak sunlight, which barely leaked through deep water. "Oh, How I wish surfacing at last to see the sky all say it's so beautiful, and hear the voices of men and smell the scent of the flowers!" "You are still too young." Replied the mother. "Within a few years, when you have fifteen, the king will give you permission to go out to the surface, like your sisters."
Mermaid dreamed about the world of men, which he knew through the
At a railway station reaches an afternoon, a very elegant lady. In the window informs you that the train is delayed and it takes about an hour to reach the station.
A little fastidiada, the lady goes to the post of newspapers and buy a magazine, and then goes to the kiosk
Buy a package of cookies and a can of soda.
Prepared for compulsory waiting, sits in one of the long banks of the platform. While browsing the magazine, a young man sits at his side and begins to read a newspaper. Imprevistamente the lady looks for the rabillo eye, how the boy, without saying a word, stretching his hand, grab the package of cookies, it opens and after taking a beginning to comérsela carefree.
Women are outraged. He is not prepared to be rude, but not to do anything that account has gone well, with verbose gesture, takes the package and take a cookie that displays against the young and watching him eat seated.
For any response, the young man smiles ... And taking another cookie.
The lady moans a little, takes a new cookie, and with overt signs of annoyance, it eats arguing again look at the boy.
The dialogue continues between glances and smiles cookie and biscuit. Mrs. increasingly irritated, the boy increasingly funny.
Finally, the lady realizes that the package is only the latest cookie. "It may not be as caradura" thinks, and remains frozen alternately watching the young and cookies.
With calm, lengthens the boy's hand, take the last cookie and very soft, short
Exactly half. With her smile more loving offers medium to the lady.
- Thanks! - Said women taking the average cookie with rudeness.
Answer-nothing-young angelic smile while eating their half.

In an enchanted kingdom where men can never reach, or perhaps where men pass forever without realizing ...
In a magical kingdom, where things are not tangible, they become concrete.
Once upon a time ... A pond wonderful.
There was a gap of water and pure crystalline where swimming fish of all colors available, and where all shades of green reflecting permanently ...
Until that magic pond and transparent approached bathing becoming mutual company, sadness and anger.
The two took off their clothes naked and the two entered the pond.
The fury, tight (as usual this fury), urgently called without knowing why are bathroom quickly and faster still left the water ...
But the fury is blind, or at least not clearly distinguish reality, so naked and tight, it was, to quit, the first clothes they found ...
And it happened that clothing was not theirs, but that of sadness ...
And so dressed in sadness, the anger went away.
Very calm, very calm, ready as always to remain in place, the sadness
Finished his bath and without any trouble (or rather, without awareness of the passage of time), laziness and slowly left the pond.
The bank found that his clothes no longer.
As we all know, if there is something that sadness is not likes to be nude, so I was the only clothes they had next to the pond, clothes fury.
They say that since then, often meets with a fury, blind, cruel, terrible and
Angry, but if we look good times, we find that this fury that we see is just a disguise, and that behind the guise of fury, actually ... The sadness lies.

The train arrives.

This is the story of a tailor, a tsar and his bear.
One day the czar discovered that one of the buttons on his jacket preferred had fallen.
The tsar was capricious, and cruel authoritarian (cruel as everyone who enmarañan too long in power), so furious at the absence Button sent to seek his tailor and ordered that the following morning was beheaded by the ax the executioner.
Nobody contradicted the Emperor of All Russia, and that the guard was to the home of a tailor and arrancándolo from the arms of his family took him to the dungeon of the palace to await her death there.
When the sun fell a guardiacárcel led him to tailor the last supper, the tailor stirred plate
Lunch with the spoon and looking guardiacárcel said - Poor's czar.
- Guardiacárcel I can not help but laugh-Are Poor's czar? Said poor you your head is separated from your body a few meters tomorrow morning.
- Yes, but I know tomorrow morning tsar lose much more than a tailor, the Tsar lose
The possibility that the bear wants more thing in the world its own bear learns to speak.
- Do you know teach him to speak to the bears? Asked guardiacárcel surprised.
- An old family secret ... - Said the tailor.
Anxious to win the favor of the Tsar, the poor guard ran to tell her the sovereign
¡¡The tailor knew teach speak to the bears!
The tsar was delighted. He sent quickly to seek to tailor and ordered him:
- Do Teach my bear to talk like complaceros but our truth, it is to teach a bear to talk was an arduous task and it takes time ... And unfortunately, time is what I have less ...
The tsar was a silence, and asked how long would take learning?
- Well, it depends on the intelligence of the bear ... He said the tailor.
- The bear is very intelligent! - Discontinued czar
- In fact the bear is most intelligent of all the bears in Russia.
- Well, musitó tailor ... If the bear is intelligent ... And feel wishes to learn ... I think ... That
Learning would last ... Last ... No fewer than ...... TWO YEARS.
The tsar thought for a moment and then ordered:
- Well, your penalty will be suspended for two years, while you entrenarás the bear. Start Tomorrow!
- Highness-said the tailor - If you send the hangman to deal with my head, tomorrow will be dead and my family, they are ingeniará order to survive. But if I conmutas punishment, I will have to spend as much time with work, I will not be able to devote your bear ... I have to maintain my family.
- That is not the problem-said the tsar - Starting today, and for two years you and your family will be under effective protection. They will be clothed, fed and educated with money from the court and anything they need or want, they will be refused ... But that's it ... If in two years the bear does not speak ... We regret having thought of this proposal ... Rogarás have been killed by the executioner ... Do understand, right?.
- Yes, highness.
- Well ... Do Guards! - Shouted tsar-Que lead to tailor to his home in the carriage of the court, give two bags of gold, food and gifts for their children. And ... Do Away!.
The tailor in reverence and walking backwards, began to withdraw while musitaba
- Do not forget-told tsar apuntándolo the finger at the front - If in two years the bear does not speak ... -
Highness ... -
... When everyone in the house tailor crying for the loss of a parent, the man appeared in the small house in the carriage of the czar, smiling, upbeat and with gifts for everyone.
The tailor's wife was not at his astonishment. Her husband who a few hours earlier had been taken to cadalso returning now, successful, wealthy and exultant ...
When he was alone man told the facts.
LOCO-you-women screamed talk-show czar of the bear. You, which has not even seen a bear up close, I you, crazy!
Learning to speak the bear ... Fool, you are crazy ...
Women-Calm, calm. Look, I was going to cut the head morning at dawn, now ... Now I have two years ... In two years so many things can happen in two years.
In two years ... - Continued the tailor-you can die tsar ... I die ... I And most importantly ...
Around the bear spoke Do!

When I was a kid I loved circuses, and what I really liked circuses were
Animals. Also to me as to others, I learned later, I called attention to the elephant. During the function, enrome beast towards deployment of their size, weight and strength huge ... But after his performance and even a while before returning to the scene, the elephant was bound only by a string aprisionaba one of his feet nailed to a small stake riveted on the ground. However, the stake was only a tiny piece of wood just a few centimeters buried in the ground. And although the chain was thick and powerful it seemed obvious that this animal capable of booting a tree uprooted by its own strength, could easily start the stake and flee. The mystery is obvious: What keeps you then? Why not flee? When I was 5 or 6 years I still in the 5 wisdom of the great. Then I asked some teacher, a father, uncle or some of the mystery of the elephant. Some of them explained to me that the elephant was not escaped because he was amaestrado. Then I made the obvious question: If it is amaestrado why do strung? I do not recall having received any coherent response. Over time, I forget the mystery of the elephant and the stake ... And just remember when I met others who had also done the same
Question. A few years ago I discovered that luckily for me someone had been wise enough to find the answer: The elephant in the circus because no escapes has been tied to a similar stake from very, very small. Cerré eyes and I imagined the small newborn subject to the stake. I am sure that at that time the elefantito pushed, pulled, sudó, trying to break loose. And despite all his efforts, he could not. The stake was certainly very strong for him. Juraría who fell asleep exhausted, and the next day to try again, and also to another and it still ... Until one day, a terrible day for its history, the animal accepted his helplessness and became resigned to their fate. This huge and powerful elephant, we see in the circus, not escapes because it believes -pobre- that CAN NOT.
He has recording and memories of his powerlessness, helplessness that he felt shortly after birth.
And the worst thing is that it has never again seriously questioned that record. Never ... Never ... Tried to test their strength again ...

Published by jakunagi at 14:10



This is the story of a man who I would describe as search
A search is someone you are looking for. Not necessarily someone who is found. Nor that someone who knows what he's looking for. It is simply for whom life is a search.
One day a search engine felt that he had to go to the city of Kammir. He had learned to make a rigorous case those feelings that came from an unknown location himself, and he left everything and left. After two days walking the dusty roads by spotted Kammir, in the distance. Just before reaching the village, a hill on the right path caught his attention. A green upholstered was wonderful and there was a lot of trees, birds and flowers lovely. The surrounding fence complete a sort of small wooden lustrada… A bronze door inviting him to enter. Suddenly he feels he forgot the people and succumbed to the temptation to relax for a moment there. The handover search portal and began walking slowly among the white stones that were distributed as random, between the trees. He left his eyes were a search engine, perhaps because it discovered on one of the stones, that registration… "Birch Tare, lived 8 years, 6 months, 2 weeks and 3 days." It was a bit overwhelmed when they realize that the stone was not merely a stone. There was a tombstone, felt pity to think that a boy so young was buried at the site… Looking around him, the man realized that the stone next door, also had an entry, read it approached said " Call Kalib lived 5 years, 8 months and 3 weeks. The search was shocked terrible mind. This beautiful place, it was a cemetery
Each stone and a tombstone. All entries were similar: a name and the exact time of life died, but what contacted the horror was that check, which had lived longer, barely exceeded 11 years. Embargoed by a terrible pain, sat down and began to mourn. The caretaker of the cemetery went out there and got closer, it looked mourn in silence for a while and then asked if she cried for a family.
- There are no family-said the search-What happens to these people? What is so terrible thing there is in this city? Why so many dead children buried in this place? What is the terrible curse that hangs over these people, which had forced it to build a cemetery kids?.
The old man smiled and said: -Puede you serenarse, there is no such curse, what happens is that here we have an old custom. We tell: when a young man is 15 years old, their parents will give away a book like this that I am here, hanging from the neck, and it is tradition among us who, from there, each time one enjoys intensely something, it opens the notepad and write to it: to the left that it enjoyed… fu, right, how long that lasted joy. Did you meet his girlfriend and fell in love with her?
How long that lasted enormous passion and pleasure to know?… A week?, Two from? Three
And a half weeks?…… And after the excitement of the first kiss, how long? Is minute and a half of the kiss? Two days?, A week? And… pregnancy or the birth of their first child? … What the
Marriage of friends…? What the most desired travel…? What the meeting with the brother who returns from a distant country…? How long was to enjoy these situations?… Is hours? Does days? So… we scoring in the book each time, when someone dies, it is our custom to open his book and add the time enjoyed it, to write it on his grave. Because this is, for us, the one true time lived.

.. And when there was a great, his father told him:
- My son, not all are born with wings. And while it is true that you have no obligation to fly, I think that
It would be painful to you limitaras to walk with wings that good God has given you.
But I do not know-fly-the son replied.
- Come-said the father.
What took by the hand and walk him to the brink of the abyss in the mountains.
- Ves son, this is a vacuum. When you can fly. Just stand here, breathe deep, and jump into the abyss. Once in the air will stretch its wings and fly ...
The child hesitated.
- What if I fall?
- Although you caigas not die, but a few machucones that will make stronger for the next attempt
- Replied the father.
The son returned to the people, their friends, their peers, their colleagues with whom he had walked all his life.
The smaller-minded said:
- Are you crazy?
- Why?
- Your father is raving ...
What you will find flying?
- Why not you stop pavadas?
And besides, who needs?
The most lucid also felt fear:
- Is it true?
- Is this dangerous?
- Why not start slowly?
- In any case, try tirarte from a ladder.
-... Or from the cup of a tree, but ... Will from the top?
The boy heard the advice of those who wanted to.
It rose to the crown of a tree and jumped with courage ...
Desplegó their wings.
The shook in the air with all his strength ... But like ... Fell to earth ...
With a large bump on her forehead was crossed with his father:
- I mentiste! I can not fly. Probé, and I look at the coup that I! I am not like you. My wings are
Adornment ... - Lloriqueó.
- My son told the father-to-fly must create the space needed to open the wings are deployed.
It's like throw in a parachute ... You need a certain height before jumping.
To learn to fly whenever it is necessary to start running a risk.
If one wants to take risks, it's best resign yourself and keep walking as ever.

One king went to his garden and discovered that their trees, shrubs and flowers were dying.
The Oak told him died because he could not be as high as Pino.
Volviéndose to Pino, found him down because he could not give grapes as the Grapevine. And Vine was dying because he could not flourish as Rosa.
La Rosa cried because he could not be high and strong as oak. Then found a plant, a strawberry, flourishing and fresher than ever.
The king asked:
How far is that healthy in the midst of this bleak and dull garden?
I do not know. Perhaps it is because they always figured that when I plantaste, wanted strawberries. Had you
Dear an oak or a Rose, would have been planted. At that time I said: "Strawberry try to be the best way they can."
Now it is your turn. You are here to help with your fragrance. Simply mirate to you.
There is no possibility that you are someone else.
You can start to enjoy and flourish streaked with your own love for you, or we can marchitarte on your own
Conviction ...


Furiosa, the lady gets up their things and climb on the bandwagon. When starting from the wagon saw the boy still sitting on the bank of the platform and thought: "Insolente."
Feel the wrath of dry mouth. Open the wallet to pull the tin vapor and are surprised to find, closed its package of cookies ... ! Intactorelatos of her sisters, who interrogated for hours to meet their inexhaustible curiosity ever returning from the surface. At this time, while waiting to leave the area to ascertain the universe ignored, was dealing with its wonderful garden ornado flower sea. Seahorses made him company and dolphins approached him to play with her; only starfish, quisquillosas did not respond to his call. At last came the long-awaited birthday and throughout the preceding night, unable to sleep. The next morning, the father called and at acariciarle their long blond hair, was sculpted in his shoulder a beautiful flower. "Well, you go out and breathe the air and see the sky! But remember that the world above is not ours, we can only admire! We are sons of the sea and we have no soul or a man, I know you are not prudent and zoom to them. Just you bring misfortune! " His father hardly finished speaking, mermaid gave him a kiss and went to the surface, gliding lightly. It felt so fast that even the fish get it.
Suddenly emerged from the water. How fascinating! For the first time I saw the blue sky and the first stars centelleantes evening. The sun, which was already on the horizon, the waves had stopped on a reflection that gold is slowly diluted. The gulls revoloteaban above Little Mermaid and did hear their joyful graznidos welcome. "How beautiful is everything!" Exclaimed happy, giving slaps. But his amazement and admiration grew still: a ship slowly approached the sticking point was where Little Mermaid. The marine cast anchor, and the ship and moored, it balanceó on the sea surface calm. Mermaid heard their voices and comments. "How I would like to talk to them." He thought. But to say, looked his long tail cimbreante, which took place on legs, and felt bereaved: "Never will I be like them." On board seemed that all were possessed by a strange animation and, shortly after, the night was filled with cheers: "Long live our master! Long live its twentieth anniversary." The little mermaid, stunned and extasiada, meanwhile had discovered that the young man was directed to whoever huge sighs.
High, brown, royal carriage, smiling happy. Little Mermaid could not stop watching it, and a strange feeling of joy and suffering at the same time, who never had felt before, you oppressed heart. The party remained on board, but the sea was encrespaba increasingly. Mermaid quickly realized the danger they may face those men: an icy wind and the waves sudden shook, the sky was black inking of threatening and lightning tore with a terrible borrasca surprised the ship unprepared. "Beware! The sea ...!" In vain mermaid shouted and screamed. But their cries, silenced by the hubbub of the wind, there were ears, and the waves increasingly high, the ship shook with the force. Then, under the desperate cries of the sailors, rigging and sails were slaughtered on deck, and with a sinister heat the boat sank.
Little Mermaid, which moments before had seen the young man fell into the sea captain, was made to help him swim. I looked in vain for a long time between the giant waves. He almost resigned when suddenly, miraculously, she saw him on the white crest of a wave nearby, and suddenly it was in her arms. The boy was unconscious, while mermaid, swimming with all its forces, argued for rescue him from certain death. We argued until the storm abated. At dawn, which despuntaba on a sea still lívido, mermaid was happy to get closer to land and be able to deposit the body of the young man on the sand on the beach. Unable to walk, stayed a long time at his side with the tail licking water, rubbing hands of the young and giving your body heat. Until a hubbub of voices that approached forced to seek refuge in the sea. "To win! Run!" A lady was screaming so atolondrada. "There is a man on the beach!" "It's alive! Pobrecito! Has been the storm ...! Let us take him to the castle!" "No!" No! "It's better to ask for help ..."
The first thing he saw the boy to regain consciousness, was the beautiful face of the youngest of the three drafts. "Thanks for having saved!" He whispered to the beautiful unknown. Little Mermaid, from the water, he saw the man who had saved was headed for the castle, which was unaware of it and not the other, who had saved. Pausadamente nadó toward the open sea; knew that, at that beach, behind him, had left something that had never wanted to secede. Oh! What a wonderful were the hours spent during the storm taking the youth in his arms! When he arrived at the mansion paternal Little Mermaid began her story, but suddenly felt a knot in his throat and echándose to mourn, took refuge in his room.
Days and remained closed more days without seeing anyone, refusing even to food. He knew that his love for the young captain was a hopeless love, because she, Little Mermaid, could never marry a man. Only Hechicera of Abismos could socorrerla.
But at what price? Despite all decided to consult. "... We therefore want deshacerte your tail fish! And guess who want two legs. ¡According! But you must suffer atrociously, and every time we put our feet on the ground feel a terrible pain." "I do not care" Little Mermaid responded with tears in their eyes, "provided that it can return with him!" "I have not finished yet!" Said the old. "You should give me your beautiful voice and you will be silent forever! But remember: if you love a man marries another, your body will disappear in the water as the foam of a wave." Agree! "Said last mermaid, and without doubt a moment, asked the bottle containing the potion prodigious. was headed to the beach, and in the vicinity of his mansion, emerged to the surface; barely crawled along the shore and drank the potion of hechicera. Immediately, a sharp pain made him lose consciousness and when he went back on it, he saw his hand, and between mists, that face so dear sonriéndole. prince found there, and remembering that he too was a castaway , tenderly covered with layer that his body was brought to the sea. "Do not be afraid" he suddenly said, "you are safe. Where do they come from? "But Little Mermaid, which the witch left mute, was unable to respond." You take the castle and you curaré. "
Over the next few days, Little Mermaid began a new life: wearing dresses and wonderful accompanied the prince on his walks. One night was invited to dance giving the court, but as the witch had predicted, every step, every movement of the legs produced atrocious pains him as a prize to be able to live together with his beloved. Although no words could respond to the attentions of the prince, he had filled and the affection of gentilezas. However, the young man had in his heart to an unknown lady who had seen when he was rescued after the shipwreck. Since then, there had been more because, after being saved, an unknown lady had to leave immediately to their country. When I was with Little Mermaid, the prince he professed it a sincere affection, but not disappeared another of his thought. And the little mermaid, that he realized that she was not the favorite of the young, suffered even more. At night, hidden mermaid left the castle to go to mourn beside the beach.
But the fate he reserved another surprise. One day, from the top of the tower of the castle, was spotted a big ship that was approaching the port, and the prince decided to go to receive it together with Little Mermaid. The unknown prince carried in the heart of the boat and fell, to see her, the young man ran to his successful encounter. Little Mermaid, petrified, felt a sharp pain in the heart. At that time knew it would lose its prince forever. The unknown lady was requested in marriage by the prince in love, and the Lady accepted with pleasure, because she was also in love. After a few days they celebrated the wedding, the couple were invited to make a journey by sea in the great vessel, which was still moored at the port. Little Mermaid also went on board with them, and the journey began. By evening, Little Mermaid, distraught because they have lost their loved forever, climbed on deck.
Recalling the prophecy of the hechicera, was willing to sacrifice his life and disappear into the sea. Coming from the sea, heard the call from his sister: "Little Mermaid! Mermaid! We Are we, your sisters! Look! Do you see this knife? It is a magic dagger that we obtained from the witch to change our hair. ¡ Tómalo and, before dawn, killing the prince! If you do, you can again be a Little Mermaid and you can forget all your sentences. " As in a dream, Little Mermaid, holding the knife, headed towards the cabin of the spouses. But when they saw the face of the sleeping prince, gave him a kiss and stealthy climbed back on deck. When dawned, threw the weapon into the sea, led a last look at the world that was launched between left and the waves, ready to disappear and become foam. When the sun despuntaba on the horizon, launched a yellowish glimmer on the sea, and Little Mermaid, from the icy waters, turned to see the light for the last time. But suddenly, as if by magic, a mysterious force pulled from the water and transported to the top of the sky. The clouds are teñían rose and the sea rugía with the first breeze in the morning, when the little mermaid heard cuchichear amid a sound of bells: "Little Mermaid! Mermaid! Come with us!" "Who are you?" Murmuró the girl, realizing that he had regained their voice, "Where are you?" "Those with us in heaven. Us fairy wind. We have no soul as men, but it is our duty to help those who have shown goodwill towards them." Little Mermaid, moved, looked down towards the sea where the ship was sailing from Prince, and noticed that his eyes filled with tears it, while fairy him susurraban: "Look! The flowers of the earth expect our tears becoming dew in the morning. Come with us!


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